Amazon Bucket for Storage Issue

PBX is 4.5 0-3 running on Debian12

I am trying to set call recordings to be stored on amazon bucket as my client is a finical business and must by law store recordings for 5 years.

I follow the instructions on the wiki and it works, I can make calls and the recordings show up in the bucket. Until i reboot the pbx and then I get the following error.

Can anyone help me, or point me in the right direct to what I need to do to resolve this issue?

Instructions I used:

Can we see your FSTAB?

If nothing helps, do you want to check out rclone?

This is BY FAR the easiest/easier way to do it.

ASsuming you have your bucket, ket and code, it takes 3 commands and a corn job.

Installing the minio client:

 $ wget 
 $ chmod 755 mc
 $ ./mc --help

Configuring mc for Amazon S3:



$ ./mc config host add mys3 BKIKJAA5BMMU2RHO6IBB V7f1CwQqAcwo80UEIJEjc5gVQUSSx5ohQ9GSrr12

Copying the local folder to AWS S3:

$ ./mc mb mys3/mys3baucket
$ ./mc mirror mylocaldir/ mys3/mys3baucket

The first command creates a bucket named “mys3baucket”. The second command mirrors the local directory to the S3 bucket by name. This can be easily set in cron for a periodic mirror.

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