Autologin to vitxi

Hi Vitalpbx team,

I have plan to embed vitxi webrtc phone on our crm as iframe. How to make auto login to vitxi when we are login to our crm?

Do you have idea? how to make this screnario works.

Our agent not safe if they are login to crm and then login to vitxi webrtc.


Why is it not safe? Thanks

Hi @PitzKey

the agent feels uncomfortable because he has to login 2 times, first to crm then login to vitxi, it would be better if he could single sign on.

Hello Sir,

This would be an implementation directly in the code of your CRM application. When logging into your CRM, you need to look for the username and password fields in the iframe where you inserted VitXi.

For this to work, the CRM and VitXi users must have the same usernames and passwords.

I will discuss this topic with the team to see if there are other options.


Hi @maynor

Thanks update, ok please update if you have other options.

Hi @maynor

Do you have any updates about it?

Thanks & Regards.