Vitxi WebRTC Registration errors - persistent issues

Thanks Miguel… we’ll try that now and let you know.

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I uninstalled Vitxi Mobile and installed VPBX Mobile (made int & ext calls) and it seems to work well so far.

Is this also available for Android (the ‘other half’ of the cell phone market)?

We are still working on the Android version. Nonetheless, the VitXi Mobile for Android is made with the same technology as the VitalPBX mobile for iOS.

Do you have issues with the VitXi mobile for Android?

Did you see my answer in the ticketing system about the PJSIP Profile?

Rewrite Contact" is already ‘enabled’.
We’ve just been trying the new VitalPBX mobile app…
We really like the way it looks, but we’re still having some users experiencing some connection and/or audio issues…
However, it appears to be far more stable than the Vitxi app (w/t SessionPush errors).
We’ll let you know.


Hey @miguel
The new VitalPBX app appears to have solved the SessionPush error for iPhone users (which is great!).
There do remain a small percentage of people with random connection issues, but those seem to be mostly ‘network’ related currently (as they generally vary between physical locations and LANs).

While the Android Vitxi users don’t appear to be experiencing the same type of “unregistered” error (as did the iPhone users), you mentioned that a new VitalPBX Mobile app for android was immanent.

Do you have an ETA on that rollout?


@fnlauria, I know that the VitalPBX Mobile app is in beta mode, but I don’t know when the app will be released.

I’ll keep you posted about it.

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