Update VitalPBX to specific version - Commands?

We are CURRENTLY Running
VPBX2 Carrier 3.1.5-4
Asterisk 18.6.0-2
DAHDI 2.11.1-7

Wish to update to 3.2.3-6 (not to 3.2.3-7) which is now available

vpbx2*CLI> core show version
Asterisk 18.6.0 built by root @ vitalpbx.org on a x86_64 running Linux on 2021-11-01 02:19:02 UTC

I would assume that the version update from the GUI will go straight to ? But we wish only to update to VitalPBX version

Can I do this via cli with a version target?


Not possible, really.
You can try to play with the yum package manager to select a specific version, but it is not recommended.

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