Directions for Multitenant trunks?

From reading through forum posts and YouTube videos as well as our own attempts I see adding trunks to each tenant in a multitenant setup is not straight forward. Some things say they all need to be put under the main tenant but then they don’t show as an option in subtenants, from reading other posts I see things like:

The YouTube video about multitenant says “We skipped over this part for you” or something like that.

“you should define trunks on the main tenant, and the route calls from the main tenant to the others.” - but doesn’t say how to do this as main trunks don’t show up in sub tenants.

We found one post that talks about a section under “Class of Service” but it doesn’t exist on our setup.

Is there a detailed writeup anywhere of how to get these functioning?

First, I would like to know if each tenant will use the same VoIP provider? if yes, then you should define a single trunk and share it with all the tenants.

I will wait for your answer. Depending on that, I will explain to you how to configure an MT environment with shared trunks.

Some will use the same provider, some will not. Sharing a trunk is not possible because customers pay for that directly to provider, we just host and manage PBX system and phones.

If you are in charge to manage the PBX settings, you can define your customers’ trunks on the main tenant; this is to avoid calls getting mixed up and ending up in the wrong tenant.

Are the customers in charge to create the trunks?

My recommendations:

  • Create customers trunks on the primary tenant.
  • Create the Outbound Routes on the primary tenant. Each outbound route has to point to a specific customer’s trunk.

Bear in mind that the DID numbers have to be defined in the same way that they will be sent by the VoIP service.

Defining a DID in the wrong format might end with the system playing the message “No route exists to the dialed destination.”


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